Frequently asked questions about Vector

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What is Vector? 

Vector is a multiplatform software with advanced trading tools for cryptocurrency markets, available in web, desktop and mobile. By integrating your Bitso account with Vector, you'll be able to trade and analyze the cryptocurrency market using state-of-the-art tools. You can trade with the existing pairs from either Vector or Bitso, using your Bitso balance. 


What is an API key and why do I need one to connect my Bitso account to Vector? 

APIs are Application Program Interfaces that allow different applications to communicate with each other. In order to trade with your Bitso account from Vector interfaces, you need to link your Bitso API keys to your Vector account. You can learn how to set up your API keys on Bitso here and more about how to integrate your API keys with Vector here


What happens if I lose my secret or public API keys?

When you create your API keys Bitso will show you your secret and public keys. It is very important to know that you should be very careful and do not share the secret key publicly. 

Bitso will only show the secret key once. You should store it safely.

This will allow you to connect to Vector, you can always come back to Bitso in your settings to find your public key. If you lose your secret key you will not be able to retrieve it. You should eliminate current API keys in Bitso settings. Vector will ask you to update your credentials and you will be able to create a new one and share again with Vector. 


Does Vector have an extra cost? 

Vector has different subscription plans and pricing. There is an ideal version of Vector just for you, with a 20% discount in all tiers for Bitso users! 

You can start using it with a free trial with no payment or card required. Once the trial expires, you can choose your subscription plan. Prices are up to 25 USD  $199 USD to $607 USD monthly, but they can change due to the Bitso discount. You can subscribe here.


Are trading fees the same in Bitso as in Vector? 

Yes. If you trade on Vector, you'll have the same trading fees as in Bitso. 


Which tools are different from current Alpha technical analysis tools?

In Vector, you'd be able to use current Alpha tools like stop-loss and limit orders, studies, etc. In addition, you can take advantage of orders like OCO, Trailing Stop and Auto Breakeven. There are also professional analytic tools such as Volume at Price and Original Order to understand the market´s minutest details.


How do I create an account with Vector?

You need to subscribe here in order to get a 20% discount. Be careful not to share or compromise your personal information using an URL other than the ones under the domain


How do I enable the integration between Bitso and Vector?

You can learn more on how to link your Vector and Bitso account here.


What happens if I change my mind and want to un-do the integration?

You can cancel the integration by either eliminating the API keys from your Bitso account or by eliminating your Bitso account from the Vector platform. To cancel your Vector subscription, log in on their page and go to My account > Subscriptions > Cancel subscription. You can find more information about it here.


Will I be able to trade all the assets available in Bitso?

Yes, you'll have all available Bitso pairs ready to be traded through Vector. New pairs will be available as soon as they're released on Bitso.


Can I deposit/withdraw fiat and/or crypto assets directly from Vector?

No. You'll only be able to deposit and withdraw via Bitso, and your balance will be updated automatically in Vector.


Where can I learn more about the new tools that Vector offers?

In this section, you'll be able to check all available tools in Vector. There are tutorials, guides, and 24h customer support to guide you through the interface and technical analysis tools. 


See more FAQ from Vector here.

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