What documents do I need to create a business account in Bitso?
Modified on:
Level 1:
Articles/Certificate of incorporation
Company’s Tax ID
Company’s Proof of address no older than three months. You can send one of the following: water, electricity, wifi, phone, company’s bank statement, or a valid leasing contract.
Company’s Source of Funds/Wealth (SOF/SOW). Select one of the following: Bank Statement under the company's name no older than three months or Last Year’s Audited Financial Statements
Shareholder Structure. Including entities or individuals who hold 10% or more of ownership and their country of incorporation/place of birth.
Shareholders’ ID (Passport or National ID) and Proof of address no older than three months old (water, electricity, phone, wifi, or bank statement (no older than three months)
Ultimate Beneficial Owners Source of Funds/Wealth (SOF/SOW). Choose one of the following:
Last Year's Annual Tax Return Declaration.
Investment Portfolio (under their name and no older than three months).
Bank Statement (under their name and no older than three months).
Payroll (under their name and no older than three months).
List of Directors. Please, provide ID (Passport or National ID) and Proof of address for each one no older than three months.
Legal representative/Attorney ID (Passport or National ID) and Proof of address no older than three months.
Power of Attorney (if not mentioned within the Articles of Incorporation).
Anti Money Laundering (AML) manual (if applicable).
Compliance Officer ID (if applicable).
License (if applicable).
Level 2:
Additional Tax/Financial information. Select one of the following: Bank Statement under the company's name and no older than three months or Last Year’s Audited Financial Statements
Issued Company Contracts/Invoice. It can be a contract signed with a client (both parties must sign the contract, and the client’s information can be hidden) or an invoice issued by the company (no older than three months).